

Grupo Floria @ OfficeSnapshots

OfficeSnapshots, a worldwide internet reference for office spaces design has included in their webpage Kutxabank's Press Room made by Grupo Floria in Bilbao, Spain.

Grupo Floria was involved in the design and developing of the new press room and multifunctional spaces in a reduced area for multiple uses, both internal and external. It was a must that the spaces could work as an open space with multiple technology walls working together for events and press, or as separated spaces for different internal meetings, trainings or workshops working in parallel, with acoustic performance.

We decided to co-create with the client in order to connect multiple compact work spaces yet used in other several rooms, now just in two spaces connected through flexible and removable acoustic translucent panels.

The result is a multifunctional area that adapts its technology to satisfy the client needs in any meeting or event.